Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (Itapeva Vii) is a Brazilian investment fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of debt securities. It is managed by Itapeva Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda and is registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). It is a closed-end fund, meaning that investors cannot buy or sell shares in the fund directly. The fund has a CNPJ (Corporate National Taxpayer Identification Number) of 017717110.
Investing in Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo
Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo is a closed-end fund, meaning that investors cannot buy or sell shares in the fund directly. The fund is only available to accredited investors, meaning individuals with a net worth in excess of 1 million reais or entities with assets of at least 5 million reais. Investors can invest in the fund through the online platform of Itapeva Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
Features of Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo
Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo invests in a diversified portfolio of debt securities. These securities include corporate bonds, government bonds, and other fixed-income instruments. The fund invests in debt instruments with maturities ranging from 3 months to 5 years.
The fund has a minimum investment amount of 10,000 reais and offers a range of investment periods, ranging from 3 months to 5 years. The fund has an annual management fee of up to 1.5% and a performance fee of up to 15% of profits.
Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo has a low risk profile, as the majority of its investments are in short-term debt instruments with high credit ratings. It is also a liquid fund, meaning that investors can easily withdraw their investments.
Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo is a Brazilian investment fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of debt securities. It is managed by Itapeva Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda and is only available to accredited investors. The fund has a minimum investment amount of 10,000 reais and offers a range of investment periods. It has a low risk profile, as the majority of its investments are in short-term debt instruments with high credit ratings, and is a liquid fund, meaning that investors can easily
The Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo De Investimento Em Dir 16 (Raiz Do CNPJ 017717110) is a fund created by Itapeva as part of its asset management and wealth management offering. The fund provides investors with access to a portfolio of high quality assets and flexibility.
The fund is structured to provide investors with a diversified investment portfolio across asset classes and regions, allowing investors to benefit from an array of individual investment opportunities. The fund is managed professionally by a team of experienced professionals and complies with the relevant regulatory and legal requirements.
The fund’s portfolio is focused on established equities and fixed income, with the objective of delivering superior return in line with the benchmark. Its core strategies include high-yield bonds, global equities and emerging markets equities. The fund also has the flexibility to invest in alternative assets as well, providing additional diversification and risk management benefits.
As part of its investment strategy, the fund places a strong emphasis on risk management, underpinned by rigorous research and analysis. The fund has a rigorous risk management process and is monitored by an independent committee which ensures compliance to the fund’s policies and procedures.
The fund has earned a consistent track record of delivering superior returns for shareholders. Since its inception in 2018, the fund has delivered a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.55%, surpassing its benchmark of 5.72%.
In conclusion, the Itapeva Vii Multicarteira Fundo De Investimento Em Dir 16 (Raiz Do CNPJ 017717110) is an attractive wealth management offering, providing investors access to a diversified portfolio across asset classes and regions. The fund has proven to be a reliable performer and offers a track record of superior returns.